Blank Page

[vc_row row_bg=“grey“ html_opacity=“1″ video_opacity=“1″ video_quality=“default“ padding_top=“100″ padding_bottom=“100″][vc_column width=“1/1″][icon_font icon=“font-awesome“ icon_awesome=“file-o“ icon_metrize=“waves“ size=“60″ icon_color=“#ff6600″ align=“ center“ css_animation=“fadeInDown“][space height=“20″][big_title title=“Blank Page Template“ title_size=“35px“ title_tag=“h1″ align=“ center“ color=“grey“ description=“With the Blank Page Template you can build interesting out of the box pages like, coming soon or maintenance mode pages.
You can use all the elements and shortcodes of a normal page, the only difference is that neither header nor footer are displayed.“][space height=“20″][vc_button title=“Go Back to Homepage“ position=“ tac“ target=“_self“ style=“ background“ size=“ medium“ icon=“font-awesome“ icon_awesome=“arrow-left“ icon_metrize=“waves“ href=““ css_animation=“fadeInUp“][/vc_column][/vc_row]